Whoever you are, whatever social position you may have in life, whether the highest or the lowest, always make it your goal to have a lot of strength, a lot of determination, and always do everything with a lot of love and faith in God, and one day you will get there. Somehow, you will get there.
A hero’s legacy
Ayrton Senna was a man of unquestionable character and talent. Throughout his
journey, he faced tough obstacles, which, with great faith and determination, resulted in
important life lessons for everyone. Overcoming, resilience, ethic and determination are
values that keep Ayrton Senna's legacy alive in our memories.
The Brazilian’s hero
For Brazilians, Senna is a hero. In Brazil, waking up on Sundays to cheer for a national idol was the reality for many families in the country.
Seeing Senna carrying the Brazilian flag in the final lap was most people’s wish and a milestone in many Brazilian families. Ayrton left the sincere mark of a man who fought for his dreams and truth, honoring his country with great love.
In motor racing, his legacy brought new safety standards to Formula 1. The changes include the introduction of new barriers, redesigned curves to minimize the possibility of accidents, high-security measures, and adjustments to the driver’s cockpit. In December 2009, the British publication Autosport conducted research with more than 200 motor racing athletes to choose the best Formula 1 pilot of all time. The result could not be any different: Ayrton Senna won the title. The British state media, BBC, went even further and elected him as the best Formula 1 pilot in history. But the honors did not stop there! In April 2023, Ayrton Senna was declared the patron of Brazilian sport. The law is intended for people who stand out or represent certain categories in recognition of their performance in sports. Now Brazil is well represented.
Senna’s Brands
Not many people know that Ayrton’s talents were not just limited to the track. He was a great negotiator and a talented entrepreneur. These skills led to the creation of the Senna and Seninha brands.
The Senna brand focuses on bringing the values and lifestyle of Ayrton to his fans. Seninha, for his passion for children and his desire to transmit values such as determination, persistence, humility, and resilience playfully to new generations.
In addition, Ayrton was always concerned about the future of Brazil, especially of children and young people. He wanted everyone to have the opportunity to fully develop, just as he had. This desire was transformed into the Ayrton Senna Institute, founded in 1994 after his death.
Get inspired and see more details of each of Ayton Senna’s brands.
Capacete de Ouro
Tricampeão mundial de Fórmula 1, Ayrton Senna foi homenageado na entrega do Capacete de Ouro, principal premiação do automobilismo brasileiro, em cerimônia anualmente realizada em São Paulo.
O ídolo brasileiro também foi homenageado no Salão do Automóvel no estande da marca Senna, local onde estão expostos troféus, capacetes e dois carros marcantes: o McLaren Senna e o McLaren MP4/6, carro com que Ayrton conquistou sua primeira vitória no GP do Brasil de F-1 e na sequência conquistaria o seu tricampeonato.
Cadeira Senna Cockpit recebe premiação de Yatch e Aviation
A cadeira Senna Cockpit recebeu o prestigioso prêmio Yacht and Aviation como resultado de uma colaboração inovadora entre a marca SENNA e a Embraer.
O prêmio Yacht and Aviation reconhece e celebra o que há de mais notável e inovador no setor de luxo, destacando produtos e projetos que atingem o mais alto padrão de excelência em termos de design, conforto e funcionalidade.
A TRUMPF, líder mundial em alta tecnologia para corte e processamento de chapas metálicas, entregou uma estátua de Ayrton Senna em aço para o Instituto que leva o nome do piloto tricampeão mundial de F-1.
Medindo 1,76 m (a mesma altura de Senna), a escultura de aço foi cortada a laser por uma máquina inteligente. A obra foi entregue neste ano no dia de aniversário do piloto, em 21 de março.
France had eliminated Brazil in soccer, and Senna beat Prost. Can you be quiet? I open my mouth and spit it out.
Senna was very serious when it came to racing... even when he was resting, his competitive instincts took over for him.
I had to call my wife in Scotland and I said to Ayrton “I need to find a phone”... he took his 4x4, and we drove to the nearest town.
When he left the car after the Suzuka race in 88, Ayrton went to a quiet place… and realized that all the sacrifices were worth it.
I told Senna to go to my motorhome after practice, so I introduced him to the team leaders. I never introduced anyone… Ayrton was the one.
Senna was a future world champion, he could be arrogant and all, but no: “I want to take a picture for my mom”... even embarrassed, he took the photo.
He was obsessed with the idea of being World Karting Champion and he tried to do this since 1978.
When you work with someone like Ayrton, there are many moments of “Wow! What happened there?
Once Senna got into the race car, he went so deep that there were no other things around him… his ability to concentrate was greater.
Ayrton is very much an icon of motorsport, but not only that, he is an icon in our country or in Brazil, he is an icon around the world, as a human and as a sports person.
Thie is one of the things that Ayrton is remembered for, and I admire him for it: catching the flag, wanting to represent the country and show what is Brazilian.
Senna really caught my attention… I said: Senna has an extra second on his right leg.
Donate to the Ayrton Senna Institute and transform the future of children and young people from public schools in Brazil.